.. _cu_au_cluster_search: ============================== Cu3Au2 with EMT - First search ============================== In this tutorial we carry out a search for isolated Cu3Au2-clusters described by the EMT potential for efficiency. This simple system can conveniently be run in a few minuts without the need for paralization. A more detailed walkthrough is given in the :ref:`Cu15 tutorial `. The following script :download:`Cu3Au2.py` is used to carry out the search: .. literalinclude:: Cu3Au2.py And run using:: python Cu3Au2.py Or to run in parallel:: mpiexec python Cu3Au2.py The setting:: logfile='-' Is used to write the search log to the standard output. Use:: logfile='filename' to write to a file. Continue with the :ref:`Cu15 tutorial ` for more detail.