Au7 on Cu(111) with EMT

In this tutorial we carry out a search for Au7-clusters on the Cu(111) surface.

In this search we will utilize an OperationConstraint to constraint the RattleMutation to only rattle the atoms within a certain box in space that we define.

The following script is used to carry out the constrainted search:

import numpy as np

from import fcc111
from ase.constraints import FixAtoms
from ase.calculators.emt import EMT

from gofee.candidates import CandidateGenerator, StartGenerator, RattleMutation, PermutationMutation
from gofee.utils import OperationConstraint
from gofee import GOFEE

### Define calculator ###
calc = EMT()

### Set up system ###
# 1-layer fixed Cu(111) slab
template = fcc111('Cu', size=(5, 5, 1), vacuum=10.0)
c = FixAtoms(indices=np.arange(len(template)))

# Stoichiometry of atoms to be placed
stoichiometry = 7*[79]

## Box for startgenerator and rattle-mutation
k = 0.2  # Shrinkage fraction from each side of the box in v[0] and v[1] directions.
cell = template.get_cell()
# Initialize box with cell
v = np.copy(cell)
# Set height of box
v[2][2] = 5
# Shrink box in v[0] and v[1] directions
v[0] *= (1-2*k)
v[1] *= (1-2*k)
# Chose anker point p0 so box in centered in v[0] and v[1] directions.
z_max_slab = np.max(template.get_positions()[:,2])
p0 = np.array((0, 0, z_max_slab+0.3)) + k*(cell[0]+cell[1])
# Make box
box = [p0, v]

# initialize startgenerator (used to generate initial structures)
sg = StartGenerator(template, stoichiometry, box)

### Set up candidate generation operations ###
# Set up constraint for rattle-mutation
box_constraint = OperationConstraint(box=box)

# initialize rattle-mutation
n_to_optimize = len(stoichiometry)
rattle = RattleMutation(n_to_optimize, Nrattle=2, rattle_range=4)

candidate_generator = CandidateGenerator([0.2, 0.8], [sg, rattle])

### Initialize and run search ###
search = GOFEE(calc=calc,

And run using:

mpiexec python

What follows is a description of the elements of the python code above, which relates to consraining the atomix position during the search.

Box setup

As previously in the Cu15 cluster search, we define a box in which initial atoms are placed. In this example we will also use this box to constrain the position of the “free” atoms during the search. Defining a box positioned 0.3Å above the slab, with a height of 5Å and with xy-dimensions shrunk, from all sides by a fraction “k”, relative to the cell xy-dimensions, can be achieved by:

## Box for startgenerator and rattle-mutation
k = 0.2  # Shrinkage fraction from each side of the box in v[0] and v[1] directions.
cell = template.get_cell()
# Initialize box with cell
v = np.copy(cell)
# Set height of box
v[2][2] = 5
# Shrink box in v[0] and v[1] directions
v[0] *= (1-2*k)
v[1] *= (1-2*k)
# Chose anker point p0 so box in centered in v[0] and v[1] directions.
z_max_slab = np.max(template.get_positions()[:,2])
p0 = np.array((0, 0, z_max_slab+0.3)) + k*(cell[0]+cell[1])
# Make box
box = [p0, v]

Constraint object

The constrraint object is made using:

from gofee.utils import OperationConstraint
box_constraint = OperationConstraint(box=box)